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Writer's pictureC. Atkinson

"Total Dependence"

Zechariah 4:6-9

"Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."(NLT)

Praise the Lord everybody, everybody praise the Lord! For this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad. I give God thanks for you. Yes you! You are beautiful, important, and necessary, please never forget that! The Lord, sent His son manifested in flesh for you and me that we can have joy and peace all the days of our life. MORE greater, we have been given the gift of eternal life, sealed until His return.

The Lord wants to encourage us to have Total Dependence on Him; especially in times like these. As humans it is natural to arise out of our beds with our own plans, to make decisions on our own, and totally depend physically on our own abilities to do anything. However, it is in the Lord only that we live, move and have our being! It is not anything we can do, but God alone made it possible.

From the beginning when man was created, God gave him free-will to make choices. He also gave us instructions to follow, so we could discern between right and wrong. The Bible tells us in

Genesis 2:16-17 (NLT), that the lord God warned Adam, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat it's fruit, you are sure to die.” The warning God gave us for a lifetime is for our protection. Psalm 91:1 promises us that, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This is a promise from the beginning to abide in Christ.

But as many of us know, satan, that old deceitful serpent came in very subtle to throw us off course; to take us out of His presence, so we wouldn't experience His joy. But the Grace of God! Adam and Eve made the choice to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil: Spiritual death was manifested because of their choice, but God's perfect love was poured out from the beginning and even until this day salvation is available to all!

As believers, who have received Jesus as our Lord and savior, our Total Dependence is on the Word of God at all times. As much as we may know this naturally, there is an expectation we will fall due to our own weakness. However, let us rejoice in knowing that when we are totally depend on the Lord, there is a guaranteed success in this life. In the Old and New Testament, there are many evidence that the prophets and God's chosen people had Total Dependence on Him. There was no other way! For example, Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph were given instructions by the angel sent by God each time danger was eminent for them to escape. Like them, do

you have a testimony of the Lord directing your path, and realizing it was for your protection? The Lord desires for us to totally trust Him, even when it doesn't make sense.

For He will use the foolishness of this world to confound the wise.

Just recently I went on my first mission trip to Cuba which was truly a humbling experience, one I will never forget. I was invited by Missionary Milades a family friend, who had done missionary work for many years in various countries. Before leaving I waited on the Lord for direction. He eventually said go, prepare yourself to go. I wasn't given any other instructions but just to prepare and go. As the date for departure drew near, I started to wonder, how will this happen? How will this work, because I didn't speak spanish. The Lord gently reminded me of the Gospel Tracts. He wanted me to have them translated into spanish. Thankfully, I had enough time and 3 days before departure, I received them. He then started to reassure me, that all I need was His Word and His Spirit to guide my every step. Hearing this Word from the Lord reminded me of a message my Pastor preached : "Word and Spirit".

please see link if you desire to listen:

The Lord continued to softly speak to me each step of the way as a reassurance that my Total Dependence relied in Him.

From the beginning of the journey, everyone around me only spoke in spanish, and I only knew a fews word. In the process, the Lord reminded me to remain focus on the mission. Despite my inability to partake in the conversations around me, He reminded me that my Total Dependence on His Spirit would lead me in the right way.

One day as we prepared to give to a couple (Odalia and Hector) and their family; the Lord reminded me of the Great Commission. This is the reason for my living, it is to carry out the Gospel where ever the soles of my feet go.

Upon entering the home, I met Odalia's mother and Hector's mother-in-law (Floracieta, fondly known as Flor). Being led by the Lord to share the plan of salvation, I spoke to them about why repentance, being baptized, and filled with His Spirit was necessary. As Sister Milades translated my words in Spanish, tears filled Flor's eyes, it was evident that the Holy Spirit was convicting and tugging at her heart. By faith I gave her the Gospel tract; I then instructed her to go home and take the time to read.

The next day, Flor accompanied us as we journeyed to the eastern side of the country and to the beach. The scenery was so beautiful, I was at peace seeing God's creation. As we walked on the sea shore, there was a pull to get our feet wet, and to take a dip in the water. So we did and it was magnificent. After a while we took a break from the sea water to be hydrated and it was then, while walking back, the Lord said, don't forget a soul is waiting to be saved today. Today is her day to be baptized.

As Flor was returning to the water, I told her exactly what the Lord had said to me. As Sister Milades explained in spanish, Flor became excited and gave a resounding yes as she showed her desire to be baptized and totally give her life to the Lord. With Great joy I explained, today the angels in heaven are rejoicing over your soul! Yes, the Bible tells us this in Luke 15:10(NLT), "In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels whenever one sinner repents.”

With great joy in all of our hearts, Flor went down in water baptism on that day (July 24, 2024). Saints of God! I give all the honor and glory to Jesus! For it is Jesus, who made this day possible for Sis Flor to be saved. It was only my Total Dependence on the Lord and being obedient to His direction. Yes! At times, as He speaks you wonder, is this possible? Yet, we must be reminded by His Word- It's impossible to please Him without faith! We must remember that with God, all things are possible! Do you believe that the Lord will save your family? Do you believe, that He will do it for that co- worker who is an atheist? Do you believe that Jesus wishes for none to perish, but for all to come unto repentance? Saints of God, it is His will and with "Total Dependence" on Him, souls will be saved in Jesus name.

May the Lord continue to bless and keep u always, in Jesus name!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

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